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4 Ways to Impress Your Boss with Process Automation

4 Ways to Impress Your Boss with Process Automation

Who doesn’t want to impress the boss? Any opportunity to stand out as a unique snowflake, apart from the crowd, is one you should always seize – provided you aren’t negatively affecting others. The how of this, though, isn’t always so apparent. You can easily get dragged down by the daily grind and end up playing the eternal game of catchup.

By improving day-to-day processes with Automation Software, you can bring the grand spectacle of data that shows higher productivity, visible ROI, and employee happiness, which is a recipe for laudable approval from any boss or direct supervisor.

Here are a few ways you can impress your boss (or even your boss’s boss) with Process Automation, and get (and keep) that gold sticker next to your name as a star player:

#1: Wow Them with Quicker Cycling

For many simple tasks that require filling out a form or sending an invoice in an email, humans are slow compared to a software system.

Speeding up these processes with automation software means you can cut down on the minutes and seconds, which, as they compound, add up to days and even weeks of saved time and added productivity. Your ability to cycle through financial reports and tax documentation will have your boss giving you the thumbs up with the burden you’re taking off of the rest of the team.

Check out how one of our customers reduced their cycle time by 49%

#2: Amaze Them with Proven ROI

Nothing may seem better to a boss than concrete data that shows “hey, we’re saving money!” That makes everyone look good. In an automation software dashboard, you can access key analytics and custom reports that can be generated in minutes.

Numbers definitely talk, no matter what line of business you’re in. Your increased throughput in terms of workflows completed, invoices processed, and so on, will showcase the effectiveness of process automation in the office.

Watch this customer testimonial on how they reduced costs by 75%

#3: Dazzle Them with Higher Accuracy

Human error is a reality in every office – from spreadsheet typos to a wrong email recipient, everyone’s fallen victim to a mistake one time or another. However, bosses don’t like seeing mistakes that cost them money.

With process automation, workflows are enacted that follow a tried and true approach to all processes, which minimizes the risk of human error considerably. With this 100%+ increase in process efficiency, you’ll certainly be able to see it to believe it.

See also: Reducing invoice processing times with higher volume and accuracy

More volume, without the errors – there’s a recipe for boss happiness.

#4: Delight Them with Tax-Ready Compliance

Again, costly mistakes – especially in any accounting paperwork – can result in fines and a bad situation for your boss. You’ll be helping yourself when you help your boss with accounting automation since it results in repeatable tasks with perfect outcomes every time. You can use it to generate powerful compliance reports and to spot coverage gaps quickly in any new regulations that arise.

The integrated data that you have with an Enterprise Automation Platform makes it easy to access documents from years ago (especially useful for HIPAA), and transfer them or send them to others instantly. That way, you can make many aspects of tax season painless for everyone involved.

Automation: A Better Workplace

Switching to an automation workflow simplifies the way processes are done – and these workflows can be adjusted by administrators quickly and effortlessly to augment your workforce capacity in real-time. Having the tools to show ROI and increased productivity – all with reasonable cost savings and budget – is a pivotal way to get your boss’s approval and attention.

So go out there improve your workplace!

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