MetroTex Association of REALTORS®

DocuPhase Case Study

HR, Membership
Document Management, Forms & Workflows


MetroTex Association of REALTORS® is the fifth-largest real estate trade association. It is focused on promoting success for its members and partners and the communities they serve through cutting-edge, innovative, and inclusive member-focused real estate resources.

Based out of Irving, Texas and boasting over 100 years of service to North Texas Realtors, MetroTex supports thousands of agents, brokers, and office managers. Additionally, they have impressive partnerships with prestigious industry partners and other allied organizations, driving their impressive reach and lofty goals. 

Results at a Glance

24 Custom Forms

created by DocuPhase to improve MetroTex's operational workflows.


"DocuPhase has been a game changer and a truly strong partner that has transformed how we work in our association."

Ginny Haralson Chief Strategy and HR Officer

The Problem

Given the thousands of members MetroTex supports, it’s no surprise they have an even higher volume of a common back-office item: documents. These included files like applications, lease agreements, new membership inquiries, letters of engagement, and more. While these forms were necessary and an irreplaceable part of MetroTex’s day-to-day operations, the amount of paper, processing time, and storage procedures were adding up in a negative way.  

Paper forms require secure, on-site storage. They also require an incredible amount of staff time to organize, file, and store accurately. As MetroTex continued to grow, these outdated processes began to hamstring their goal to be a modern, impactful resource for their members.  

Pairing with their document woes was another outdated process: their workflows. The membership team and members themselves were spending hours submitting and processing simple requests through emailed PDFs, printed forms, and other processes that left room for error at best, and the risk of data loss at worst.  

MetroTex knew they needed to upgrade their document management and workflow processes to meet their growing member base and filing needs—and that’s where DocuPhase came in. 

DocuPhase's Impact

DocuPhase’s intuitive, automated Document Management solution began addressing many of the filing challenges MetroTex had been struggling with, working to better manage their unique documents and provide their members with improved service and support.  

Digitizing MetroTex’s key documents instantly transformed how they were handling these important items. Physical storage space was a thing of the past, now that these files could all be uploaded to DocuPhase’s cloud-based system, reducing the risk of filing errors and on-premise data breaches. This change also made it significantly easier for staff members to store, retrieve, and organize realtor and member data.  

After their success with Document Management, MetroTex chose to bring on another of DocuPhase’s automated solutions, Forms and Workflows. This addition eliminated their use of PDFs and emails for form transmission. Now relying on intuitive web forms, data collection, management, and delivery was scalable to growing member numbers. 

The first form that DocuPhase’s solutions upgraded was MetroTex’s Member Selection Form. Users now receive email confirmation and record when they submit this form. MetroTex’s copy of this form is delivered into a Membership Cabinet—also designed and powered by DocuPhase—with a unique Membership number. All previously manually collected forms are now automated and filed away to the correct cabinet, where each item is tagged with applicable searchable data entered on the form. This takes the clerical work off MetroTex and allows their team to focus on members and clients rather than filing. 

MetroTex’s partnership with DocuPhase and their automation solutions has helped them achieve one of their core missions: to digitally transform their association for scale and efficiency, eliminating manual work, data entry, and paper forms. Most importantly, it’s helped them serve their members with secure, reliable, and accurate support.